While I’ve been using Neovim and Tmux as my development environment for a while now and have had time to iron out the kinks with my workflow, there was also something that I never got around to and just accepted. One of these things was the navigation. I was using the default keybindings for Neovim to navigate between windows (Ctrl+W+[hjkl]) and was using my leader keybind with Vim like nagivation rebinds for Tmux (Ctrl+S [hjkl]). While this worked for the most part, having different leader keys was always annoying when quickly swapping between Tmux panes and Neovim windows. That is until I found vim-tmux-navigator.

vim-tmux-navigator comes in two parts: a Neovim plugin (which I installed using lazy.nvim) and a Tmux plugin (which I installed using TPM). What this allows for is seamless navigation between Tmux panes and Neovim windows by using the same set of keybinds (Ctrl+[hjkl]). I left them as the default values from vim-tmux-navigator, but removed the binding to go to the previous Tmux pane fromm Neovim since I never use it and had the binding already set to open a Floaterm window.