The missing piece: vim-tmux-navigator

While I’ve been using Neovim and Tmux as my development environment for a while now and have had time to iron out the kinks with my workflow, there was also something that I never got around to and just accepted. One of these things was the navigation. I was using the default keybindings for Neovim to navigate between windows (Ctrl+W+[hjkl]) and was using my leader keybind with Vim like nagivation rebinds for Tmux (Ctrl+S [hjkl])....

June 24, 2024 · 1 min · 185 words · Rithika Silva

Stolen Faces Being Used for Deepfaked Brand Ambassadors

The other day I looking through the news and stumbled across this article that talks about a situation with a Ukrainian YouTuber who’s face and voice are being used to sell products on some Chinese social media platforms. While current law’s don’t allow you to trademark you face (as a result of copyright being only valid for man-made creative ventures), this might be something that changes in the near future as result of situations like this....

June 7, 2024 · 2 min · 267 words · Rithika Silva

Moving from Quartz to Hugo: Getting LaTeX Working

A fairly big reason I started using Quartz in the first place was because of how convenient it was to keep using Obsidian as my Markdown editor. Specifically, my muscle memory with LaTeX in Markdown. Unfortunately, I needed to spend some time setting up Hugo to handle LaTeX, since it isn’t included by default in any themes I wanted to start with. The solution was to use KaTeX, a lightweight javascript library for parsing and rendering LaTeX....

June 3, 2024 · 1 min · 190 words · Rithika Silva

Fedora - One Month Later

I’ve officially been using Fedora for a month on Tachyon and I have enough changes made that I think it’s time for me to do a progress post. At a glance, I’m using: Alacritty as my terminal emulator. Bash as my shell. Starship for my prompt. Tmux as default. Dunst for desktop notifications. i3 as my WM. Picom as my compositor. Rofi as my app/script launcher. Polybar as my bar. Catppuccin Mocha as my theme for everything....

March 17, 2024 · 2 min · 239 words · Rithika Silva

Data Scrapping with GitHub Actions

This post is going to be very brief, as it is just for capturing an idea I overheard at a recent UWAGGS meeting. Suppose you need to do some daily scraping of a some web page for information that is updated periodically, but don’t have a personal server to do your scraping from. Then, you can take advantage of the free usage of GitHub Actions in public repositories to write an Action that checks out a repo with your scraped data, runs a script to gather new data, and updates this checked-out repo with the new information and commits it back to whatever branch it is from....

November 10, 2023 · 1 min · 161 words · Rithika Silva

Blurred Blob Memorizing

It has come to my attention that a method that I use to study is uncommon and apparently strange. As such, I have decided to record it here in the hopes that someone might find it useful. The method involves memorizing the outlines of text written in my notes. By crossing my eyes slightly, I am forced to view my notes as messy graphite blobs. By memorizing the general shapes and sizes of these blobs, I find it easier to recall information during tests....

August 13, 2021 · 2 min · 244 words · Rithika Silva